European Youth Leagues & Cup Competitions

internationale_ligen Oesterreich polen Deutschland tschechien portugal kroatien serbien Italien England Finnland Estland Schweiz Niederlande Bosnien & Herzegovina Dänemark Russland Türkei Griechenland Armenien Rumänien Schweden

European Youth Leagues & Cup Competitions

In this overview, all competitions of the European Youth Leagues & Cup Competitions are listed and geographically classified in a map graphic. Further information on the listed competitions are the number of participating clubs, the number of players, the average age of the participating players, the percentage of guest workers in the respective country and the total market value of the teams of a competition. In the "Forum" column, the corresponding country forum can be accessed.

CompetitionCountryClubsPlayerAvg. ageForeignersForumTotal value
Russia1436616.00.8 %
Russia1845516.00.7 %
Russia2058018.20.5 %
Russia2056318.20.4 % Forum
Armenia811218.10.0 %
Russia1436517.00.0 %
Russia1846417.00.0 %
Luxembourg23318.357.6 %
Switzerland1641918.324.8 %
Italy501.43618.721.8 % Forum
Germany3283018.421.3 % Forum
England641.41717.918.0 % Forum
France3257518.213.6 %
Netherlands4074018.010.1 %
Gibraltar56216.79.7 %