*INFOPOINT* | Fragen : Antworten : Informationen

Oct 5, 2014 - 10:45 PM hours
Zitat von Schwarzgelb23
Hat jemand Infos zur Zuschauerregelung in Griechenland? Laut Europlan ab 26.09 max. 20% der Stadionkapazität, auf den Seiten der Vereine konnte ich aber noch keine Infos zu etwaigen Ticketverkäufen finden.

Mein letzter Stand war, dass es bis auf Weiteres keine Zuschauer geben wird. Angesichts der aktuellen Infektionslage, die deutlich schlechter ist, als zum Zeitpunkt des Restarts im Sommer, sehe ich das auch nicht auf absehbare Zeit, vor allem nicht in den beiden Großstädten.
hallo ich habe schon vor einige Monate gesagt dass Matos keinen Vorarbeit hat

Zitat von paxat
Bitte folgende Threads erstellen

Super League 1 2020/21
Super League K19
Super League K17

Bitte auch Wettbewerb
Super League K17

> Super League 1 2020/21-Thread

For the U17 and U19 leagues we only have one common thread.
> Rund um den griechischen Juniorenfussball

At the moment I don't see any possibility of creating the U17 league.

The Super League site made a mistake here. As the video (from 2:50) shows, Leo Matos fits the goal scorer Karol Swiderski.

youtube - Αστέρας Τρίπολης - ΠΑΟΚ 1-2 Στιγμιότυπα 6η αγ. {6.10.2019}
How do you define if it is right or wrong?
Do you have another official reference that says Matos should have an assist?

From what I have found from premier league website:

"The basic definition of an assist is simple: three points are awarded to the player from the goalscoring team who makes the final pass before the ball finds the net.

However, when the path of that final pass is interrupted, an assist can sometimes require review before the FPL points are confirmed.

The rules state that if an opposing player touches the ball after the final pass before a goal is scored, significantly altering the intended destination of the ball, no assist is awarded.

The key here is the intent of the player supplying the pass and the intended destination of the ball.

The assist awarded to Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic (£11.8m) for Marcus Rashford’s (£6.8m) goal against Watford is a good example of how these rules are interpreted."


So the only similar example is this
"Ibrahimovic’s cross rebounded off a defender, deflecting it back into Rashford’s path. That touch off the defender did significantly alter the path of the ball but, crucially, it was not seen to change its intended destination or target.
The Swede’s cross was clearly aimed at Rashford at the near post and, via the defender’s touch, eventually reached this area and its target. The assist was therefore awarded."

To me Rashford’s goal is different than Swiderski's goal.

In Rashford’s case the defender touches the ball by accident, the ball goes towards the goal post and towards Rashford.

In Swiderski's goal the defender takes the header and the ball goes away the goal post and away from Swiderski, who runs backwards the goal post to regain the ball and then scores.

Do you have any similar goal where assist was awarded?

Btw even fbref doesn't show that Matos has assist
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